As dark clouds drifted in the sky, a heron stood delicately waiting for just the right moment to take flight. I almost got close enough to almost say hello before he launched and glided over the water.

This Saturday, Magi our Entiat Public Librarian will be offering Storytime at the Museum in the outdoors. Come join us, and meet other families and friends for a fun time. Summer Learning is happening and all are welcome to join. Reading and Learning in the summer is a tradition the library has promoted and provided for decades!
The "Mercantile Building" is growing and stories about the old stores and storekeepers are being remembered and shared down at the museum. Our hope is to capture the flavor of the friendly country stores which gave local people a convenient place to shop and meet. That history goes on, as both Coopers and the Entiat Food Center carry on the tradition of being a strong and reliable center of our community, supportive of so many of our local non-profits and school events.
The annual Alumni Gathering is happening soon, are you ready? for more information or to offer your help , contact Peggy Whitmore or Phyllis Griffith. The Museum will be open from Noon - 5:00 PM that day to allow you to visit after the gathering.
