Not long aga, my neighbor Pat told me about the Log-a-Ramas that were held in the Entiat Park in the 1970's. She and Dean had a great collection of photos that I used to put together a little video. George Honey, remembered fondly by many was the main organizer of the celebration and competition. As the Ardenvoir mill closed in 1979, so passed the culture and traditions of the logging industry, but many families who now live here have ties to that history.
The history of the logging industry is noted in both Shorty Long's book Under the Guard of Ole Tyee
"Lumber and timber products were necessary for the growth and development of the new frontier of Entiat and the surrounding areas. stands of ponderosa pine also called yellow pine, were thick and ready for harvest."
and in Phyllis Gritffith's collection of articles in Nuggets of Entiat's Past.
"Eartly logging was done for building a home to live in. The earliest settlers selectively cut down trees close to where they planned to build. The trees were cut with had saws and axes. Then, the logs were dragged by the horse to the site. Each log was notched and fitted to become a building. Anything trimmed from the original log was later used for firewood. Early homestead law allowed the cutting o Trees for homes, barns, and other needed structures. "

The following excerpt is from John Caldbick's entry , "Entiat -- Thumbnail History -"
"The challenges faced by early settlers struggling to create communities in the wilderness is usually fodder for the most compelling stories about the history of small towns, and Entiat is no different. After its first relocation, the town grew slowly. Entiat's first significant industries were logging trees and milling lumber, and at various times there were up to 11 mills operating in the drainage basin of the Entiat River, the timber used for homes, commercial buildings, fruit boxes, irrigation flumes, and railroad ties. (Entiat's last lumber mill operated until 1979.)"